Pests and diseases affecting French beans

Pests and Diseases Affecting French Beans in Kenya

French beans are a popular crop in Kenya, known for their high nutritional value and versatility in cooking. However, like any other crop, French beans are susceptible to pests and diseases that can damage the plants and reduce yields. Some of the most common pests and diseases affecting French beans in Kenya include white flies, […]

Best Avocado Exporter 2022

Kenya Fresh Bags the Best Avocado Exporter Award

As a leading exporter of fresh produce in Kenya, we are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the best exporter of the year 2022 by the Avocado Society of Kenya. This is a significant win for our company, as it demonstrates our commitment to excellence and our ability to provide high-quality products to […]

Hass Avocados found in Kenya

Avocado Varieties

The Two Main Types of Avocados Exported from Kenya. You may be surprised to learn that there are actually several types of avocados grown in Kenya, and this article will help explain what differentiates them from one another. The African Avocado, a variety grown in warm climates such as Africa and South-east Asia, is a […]